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Graphenstone: CO2 Consuming Sustainable Paint

The problems with consumer paints are well documented – head over to read the details here, but in short: paint is toxic, it’s polluting and it’s wasteful. But what if there was another way? What if paint could be sustainably and manufactured sustainably?

Well, that would be great!

We’ve been on the look out for years, asking around, trying to find really sustainable paint solutions for a new project and were coming up with all the same issues. Some sustainable credentials but not without significant trade-offs: whether it’s high cost, limited colours or short-lived.

Just as we were starting to get discouraged, Grant over at the Interior Style Hunter asked if we’d heard of Graphenstone. Not only were they sustainable, he said, and not only were they non-polluting, but their paint actually cleaned the air!

Too good to be true? Obviously, we had to learn more. We reached out to Patrick Folkes – Graphenstone’s representative here in the UK – and what we learned amazed us!
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Please read any references to “low” or “zero VOCs” as “Trace VOCs, less than 1g per litre (or 0.1%), naturally occurring. We are in the process of updating this detail across the site.

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